Thursday, July 1, 2010

From the City to the Shore

Just a few photos from a random day of wondering. From downtown Manhattan to Brighton Beach.

Some times I forget to look up, the view is
sometimes so amazing.

The Life of the Beach

I love how much is going on in the photo. The pregnant
lady with her child, the tugboat pushing the large barges,
the people all over the beach and the bird in the sky.
It's crazy I always forget that while everyone is doing
something from sleeping to reading a book there
is always so much going on that we are all
unaware of.


  1. I totally agree. We sometimes get so caught up in our own worlds that we forget what surrounds us. This picture really captures the individual and the collective.

  2. This is brilliant! this is summer in the city at the beach. everyone has their own thing going on.

  3. I will see you tomorrow. I like this blog
