Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Inspire me

Here are another few photos from the past few days, nothing i'm really to excited about but i'm just trying to get my work out there. I feel like i'm struggling with producing work that I am truly proud of. I think that is mainly because i am am scared of what people may think. But from now on i need to just put it out there and see what happens in return. If someone doesn't like some of my work i can't let it kill me it will only make me stronger...haha. Well if anyone has any thoughts let me know cause i'm open to new ideas and inspiration.

An abandoned construction site, really wished i
could have gone in but there were some
weird looking guys in there.

A seatless place to sit.

Prospect Park

Feeling uninspired...

1 comment:

  1. Bricks and Wondering the Hood were v.good. Carousel didn't come out as well as it might. Charlie and the construction site were a bust.

    The best is yet to come.

    John m.
